It's time to send down roots.
In nature as the days get longer and warmer, bulbs start their growth by sending down roots. Once they are firmly settled in the ground their shoots emerge, then leaves, and finally flowers. Their first movement toward spring is setting a firm foundation. Similarly, it's a time of year I need my people to help keep me grounded before I emerge from hibernation. I'm fueled by evenings filled with laughter surrounded by friends I don't see as often as I'd like. Or simply sitting with a fellow mom to drink tea while our kids run around in circles, eager to burst forth like new plants into the sunshine. I'm also eager but I know I need my own deep roots: friendships and community to create stability so I'm not blown over by the metaphorical crazy wind or late season snow storm.
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It's (still) cold outside! Kind of...So last week when I wrote this newsletter it was snowing and there were a few days it didn't get above freezing. Today I wore a tank top to take the kids to the park! But I know winter isn't over yet... so even if you're enjoying the almost summer weather in the DC area bear with me here :) --- Winter is here in full force and for so many of us the early darkness, bone chilling cold, and days and days inside with little people are getting EXHAUSTING. The other night I was texting with a group of mamas and we were all dreaming of getaways - Tahiti and Sanibel Island were at the top of their lists. I'm SO ready for some warm weather and a beautiful sandy beach, but with no island vacation planned I couldn't help but think: what can we do in the here and now to make these days better? I was reminded of this quote from Albert Camus: “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” |
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March 2020